Houston Inner City

Trip Will Include

We will be involved in a variety of outreaches, such as Vacation Bible Schools, homeless ministry and downtown prayer. We will be able to pray with individuals, encourage those in need and share the gospel in different settings. We will have opportunities to use our gifts of worship, teaching, preaching and evangelism with people of all ages. There could be hands on projects to serve as well. This is a great opportunity to be stretched beyond your comfort zone, while being used to bless those you encounter.

Where: Houston, Tx

Ministry Partnership: YWAM Houston

When: June

Leader(s): TBA

Cost: $475 per person

Vaccinations: None required

Who can go: Adults 18 and older and young people 13 and older with guardian.

If you are interested in participating or have questions, please click on the button below to contact Amanda Fishback.


Thank You