Service Times | Sundays at 9AM and 11AM
No matter what stage of life you may be in, Rose Heights is your home. We hope you will take a few minutes to look into our fellowship of believers who are led by Christ to “Love God, Love One Another”.
Bring The Kids!
One of the first stops you’ll make with a host, for those who have children will be Kids First. We’ll take you to check your child in and drop them off to their age-specific areas. Kids First mission is to serve and help spiritually develop children from birth-5th grade. While you are at Rose Heights your children will be ministered to in a safe and loving place.

Come As You Are
At Rose Heights Church, there is no dress code. We have many coming from all stages of life and beliefs. That’s what makes Rose Heights special. You’ll see some people dressed business casual, our children’s volunteers in t-shirts and jeans, and everything in between. We want you to feel comfortable as you explore our campus and relax during our worship experience.
What To Expect
Our services are energetic, engaging, and encouraging. Our mission is to Love One Another, just as Christ has loved us. So, our team strives to create a warm and welcoming experience. From the parking lot throughout the building, our team members are eager to answer your questions and guide you around the campus.
At Rose Heights, you’ll hear some the latest Christian worship songs, mixed with an occasional traditional hymn. The messages are centered in the Scriptures and practical application of God’s truth in our daily lives.